Consider energizing and promoting interaction amongst your wedding day guests with some of these popular wedding reception game suggestions!

The Shoe Game

This is a bit of a wedding classic. The bride and groom sit back to back on opposing chairs and remove their shoes. The bride and groom should both be holding one of their own shoes and one of their spouses shoes. Then, have a designated person ask a series of questions about the two of you and your relationship (i.e.. “Who will be doing most of the cooking?” “Who said ‘I love you’ first?”). After each question, hold up the shoe of the person you think is the best answer to the question.  Your DJ can conduct this game but due to it’s personal nature it’s better to have the MC ask the questions. Here are some sample questions.

1. Who is older?
2. Who has more siblings?
3. When you first met, who made the first move?
4. Who is the better driver?
5. Who has been in more car accidents?
6. Who studied the hardest in school?
7. Who got better grades in school?
8. Who is smarter?
9. Who is more creative?
10. Who is better at keeping surprises?
11. Who will be doing the cooking?
12. Who is more adventurous?
13. Who is more likely to get injured?
14. Who is more likely to get sunburned?
15. Who is more likely to be running late?
16. Who is the better dresser?
17. Who is better looking?
18. Who said I love you first?
19. Who starts the argument?
20. Who is first to say “I’m sorry?”
21. Who wears the pants in your relationship?
22. Who spends more money?
23. Who is going to pay the bills?
24. Who will be in control of the remote?
25. Who will be most likely to wake up grumpy?
26. Who is more likely to get lost?
27. Who is more likely to ask for directions?
28. Who is messier?
29. Who has the smelliest feet?
30. Right now, who do you love more than anyone in the world?

Anniversary Dance

Your DJ or emcee invites all married couples onto the dance floor. After a few minutes of dancing, the DJ asks all couples who have been married for five years or less to leave the dance floor. After another few minutes, he asks all those couples married for ten years or less to leave the dance floor, and so on. Eventually, you are left with the longest married couple who provides a token of marriage advice to the bride and groom.

The Leg (or face, or arm, or…) Feel Game aka The Cinderella Game

Blindfold the groom and create a line around five woman and the bride – have everyone in the line bare a leg. The blindfolded groom must then feel each calf muscle and determine the identity of the bride. The crowd can be a real source of confusion and hilarity. You may also find it humorous to switch a man into the lineup of woman for the groom. Then proceed to blindfold the bride and create a lineup of men for her to select her husband from.


1. The bride feels a bicep while the groom feels the leg

2. The bride feels the men’s butts instead of a leg. This variation is more riskay and everyone would need to be comfortable with the idea.

3. The bride and groom can feel faces

The Kissing Game

At some point during the reception your DJ or MC call out the names of a few couples that the bride & groom has provided. The couples are then made to kiss, the bride and groom have to copy the same kiss.

Table Centerpieces Game

There are many versions of games involving table centerpieces. Have one guest at each table pull out a dollar, and the guests at the table pass around the dollar while there is music playing. When the music stops, whoever is holding the dollar wins the centerpiece. For a touch of class, collect the money and let the flower girl and ring bearer split it.

Money Dance

This dance is traditional for certain cultures and a bit of a fundraiser – it’s usually performed at some point during the dance. Guests are asked to pin money to the bride or groom during a special money dance song. Guests can cut in at any time with new donations, typically the bride and groom have one song each for this dance. Money could also be placed in a box or basket or something of the like.

Bride & Groom Trivia

To release tables or just through out the wedding we will be calling out questions that the bride & groom has provided us about their life. Whoever answers the questions first will be released for dinner, get a prize or win a centerpiece!